How do I know if my cataract needs surgery?

     Cataracts are a natural part of the aging process.  I like to tell my patients, “Everyone gets a cataract if they live long enough!”  In the early stages, cataracts cause little effect on the vision, and need no treatment.  As a cataract develops, though, and becomes more advanced, it begins to interfere with the vision and will need to be removed surgically.  Fortunately, modern cataract surgery is a quick, painless procedure with a rapid return to normal function and normal vision.  In fact, vision is often improved within several days following surgery.

So, how do you know if your cataract needs surgery?  We recommend cataract surgery if the cataract is causing difficulty with the vision such that it is harder to do things you want to or need to do.  work, recreation, hobbies, if you can’t do them, and the cataract is causing the trouble, it should be treated.

The first step in treating a cataract is to see your eye specialist.  Make sure it’s someone with lots of experience.  Cataract is a quick procedure, but requires a lot of skill on the part of the surgeon. You may also want to consider having your vision improved after surgery with premium cataract care to reduce your need for eyeglasses.  Special techniques and special lenses offer a unique opportunity to improve vision with less need for eyeglasses at the time of cataract surgery.  This can only be done at the time of surgery.  Once it’s done, you’ve lost the opportunity for this type of vision correction.

To learn more about cataracts and cataract surgery, take a tour of a cataract procedure on our web site.  Learn the steps needed to have this short and often very rewarding procedure.